Alumni Association of Institute of Food Technology
To communicate with the members of the Alumni and the Institution regularly and keeping mutually informed the developments of the Alumni as well as the Institution.
To organize, social, educational and networking interactive events regularly.
Generate funds for the development and betterment of the Institution and also for the promotion of the objectives of the association.
To provide continuing education enrichment experience for alumni and present students of the Institution.
To provide a platform to connect the present and past students of the Institution and to assist recent UG and PG students in shaping their career.
To award prizes, scholarships to merit students and to provide financial aid to poor and deserving students of the Institution.
To hold periodical alumni meetings at Local, Regional, National or at University and publish the activities of the society periodically.
To do all other things incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.
Notice & Circular
A governing body is required to setup for Alumni Association of IFTBU. Interested ex-students of IFTBU may submit there consent regarding the objective.
News & Events
Photo Gallery
Latest Members
Governing Body